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EDS 231 New Technologies for Learning
Summer 2009 (Last updated: July 2, 2009 9:51 AM )

Class Syllabus

June 22nd
New Technologies for Learning
    What we'll do:
    1. examine a broad range of powerful educational uses of new technologies
    2. pair up with a member of the other cohort to brainstorm ideas for using technology as part of each of your MA/first year project (actual project for outgoing students; potential project for incoming students)

    What to do by next class:
    1. Read the 2008 Report of the NSF Task Force on Cyberlearning: "Fostering Learning in the Networked World: The Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge" http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08204/nsf08204.pdf
      Read the Executive Summary, Chapters 1, 2, & 4
    2. Bring to the next class a case that you've translate to fit your own teaching situation. Think about how the technologies and issues in the CyberLearning report apply to your own teaching situation (the content domain, grade level, etc.), and come to class prepared to talk about what the implications are for your own teaching.
    3. Create a blog, post as your first entry the results of your brainstorming, and link your blog from the EDS 231 blog list.
    4. Provide feedback to at least two blog entries, your partner's and another EDS 231 member's (by Thursday, June 25).
June 24th
Collaborative Learning Environments What we'll do:
  1. explore a range of collaborative learning environments
  2. form groups to evaluate the brainstormed ideas for using technologies to create a cohort learning environment and to start to construct the environment

What to do by next class:
  1. Read the abstract of Carmen Restrepo's first year paper:
  2. Edit the "Questions for Carmen" Google Doc
  3. Respond to the blog for your cohort's collaborative learning environment with your ideas.
    Outgoing cohort blog user: eds231outgoing || Incoming cohort blog user: eds231incoming
  4. Provide feedback to both cohort blogs (by Monday, June 29th).
June 25th
Technology uses in practiceWhat we'll do:
  1. guest resource person Carmen Restrepo (Cohort 6 Ed.D. in T&L student) at 5pm
    Carmen's online survey
    Carmen's PowerPoint
  2. discussion of technology uses in actual classrooms
What to do by next class:
  1. Read: Cole & Engeström "A cultural-historical approach to distributed cognition"
June 29th
Technology and distributed learning

What we'll do:
  1. explore ways to use the concepts of distribution and mediation to think about new technologies for learning

What to do by next class:
  1. look at social networking tools (for example, FaceBook, Ning, etc.) and brainstorm ways you could use them educationally
  2. Post a progress report of your individual project in your individual blog
    • What are you planning to do?
    • What have you done so far?
    • What barriers do you have to reaching your goals?
July 1th
Social networking environments and learning What we'll do:
  1. explore a range of educational uses of social networking environments
  2. identify a use of social networking that is you might use as part of your cohort learning environment or individual project and pilot test it with a partner
  3. look at the EDS Facebook page and suggest improvements

What to do by next class:
  1. look at relevant instructional video sites (for example, Khan Academy, Plain English, etc.)
  2. look at student-created educational videos (for example, the EDS 204 videos, Carmen's student-created podcasts, etc.)
  3. look at the suggestions by the M.Ed. students for improving the EDS Facebook page and add your own as a reply to Chris Halter's blog post "Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom?".
July 2nd
Multimedia and learningWhat we'll do:
  1. identify a multimedia use that is potentially useful educationally for your individual project and a use that is potentially useful for the cohort learning environment project) and pilot test each of them with a partner

What to do by next class (Wednesday, not Monday -- Happy 4th of July weekend!):
  1. look at collaborative knowledge creation tools relevant for learning (for example, Google Docs, Google spreadsheets, blogs)
  2. post in your cohort blog a report of progress on your cohort learning environment. This can be one collaborative report, a number of subgroup reports, and/or many individual reports. Like the individual progress reports from last Monday, describe your goals, progress, and barriers. Be sure to list the author(s) of the report(s).
  3. Read and respond to at least two of your classmates' individual project progress reports. Choose two that don't already have responses by two classmates. Try to choose one in your own cohort and one in the other cohort.
July 8th

Collaborative knowledge creation tools and learning

What we'll do:
  1. implement explore a collaborative knowledge creation tool uses that is are potentially useful educationally (either for your individual project or the cohort learning environment project) and pilot test it one with a partner
What to do by next class:
  1. read the Levin & Miyake paper
July 9th

Pilot testing and troubleshooting of educational uses of technologies

What we'll do:
  1. Explore the roles that pilot testing and troubleshooting plays in educational uses of technologies
  2. Pilot test your individual project on a partner and use the formative evaluation to improve it
  3. Pilot test your part of the cohort learning environment on a partner and use the results to improve it
What to do by next class:
  1. explore the cohort learning environment created by your cohort and provide feedback
  2. explore the cohort learning environment created by the other cohort and provide feedback
July 13th

Evaluation and reporting of educational uses of technologies

What we'll do:
  1. evaluate the individual project of a partner and provide formative feedback
  2. use the feedback provided by a partner to improve your individual project
  3. evaluate the cohort learning environment created by your cohort and provide feedback to the relevant cohort members responsible for the components you're providing feedback on
  4. evaluate the cohort learning environment of the other cohort and provide feedback
  5. use the joint feedback to improve the parts of the cohort learning environment you are responsible for
What to do by next class:
  1. Complete your two presentations, your individual project and your part of your cohort's collaborative learning environment
July 15th
Project Presentations & SummaryWhat we'll do:
  1. Make a short (5 minute) presentation of your individual project
  2. Make a collaborative report of your cohort's collaborative learning environment.

Warning: subject to changes - check the web page version during each class meeting for the latest version
Return to the class web page
URL of EDS 231 class web page: http://edsserver.ucsd.edu/courses/eds231/su09/